December 14, 2018

Finding Your Site’s WordPress Version

Importance of the Version While typically the version isn’t something that’s immediately necessary to most users, there are times that it can be very important. Cases where WordPress version can be important: WordPress Core vulnerability announcements. For example, you may have clients whom you’ve not discussed a major change in a recent update, so while you’re not wanting to update their site, a major vulnerability may have been announced in a recent release; thus, ensuring the client is not running that vulnerable version (such as with version WordPress 5.0.0) can quickly become more important than release change discussions. Plugin compatibility […]
September 8, 2018

Optimize Your WordPress Website for Leads in 2020

Effective lead optimization strategies are the key component of predicting a website’s success. Far too many websites fail to capture their visitor information before they’re gone.  Here are 12 of the best conversion techniques that will help you optimize your website for leads. After all, who wouldn’t want to reduce their bounce rate, increase their conversion rate, and watch their ROI continue to improve? I. Building the Better User Experience Content is King Far too many websites fail to consider the whole user experience. Websites that do spend serious time building highly-ranking content that users come to learn from, experience […]